For as long as I can remember, my mom has knitted all sorts of beautiful things. Over the years, family and friends have been the happy recipients of slippers, scarves, mittens, hats and afghans- all knitted with love and care by my mom.
Unfortunately, I did not inherit my mother’s knitting talent. I did give it a try, but sadly, just never got the hang of it. I can crochet all day long, sew like nobody’s business, and even do a bit of embroidery, but give me knitting needles and I am lost!
Luckily, my daughter has great skill in the knitting department and is happy to carry on her Grandma’s knitting traditions. Her Grandma has also been happy to pass on some of her favorite knitting patterns including “Grandma’s Knitted Booties”.
Grandma’s Knitted Booties
- Supplies:
- Size 8 straight needles or Size 8 – 29″ circular needle
- 4 oz. skein of 4 ply worsted yarn
Knit booties using a double strand of yarn. Cast on 29 for a medium size bootie. Leave 6-8 inches of yarn to use to sew together the heel of the bootie.
- Row 1- K9, P1, K9, P1, K9, across row
- Row 2- K all stitches, across row
Alternate these two rows until bootie measures approximately 6″ or length of sole of foot from heel to bottom of big toe joint ending with all K row.
- Row 1- K1, P1, K1, P1, across row
- Row 2- P1, K1, P1, K1, across row
Alternate toe pattern rows until total knitted bootie covers sole of foot from back of heel to end of big toe. End knitting with right side. Cut yarn from bootie leaving at least 12″ of yarn for sewing bootie together.
Use large eye needle, thread yarn through all stitches from left hand. Gather all stitches to a pucker making as small and tight a circle as possible.
Hold knitted bootie with right sides together and sew top of toe together until you reach body of knitted bootie. Leave just enough yarn to tie a pom pom to top of the bootie (pom poms-optional). Trim excess.
Holding right sides together at heel and using length of yarn you left when casting on-sew heel sides together. When you reach the cast on edge, thread yarn through all stitches and pucker to a small circle. Pull as tight as possible and finish by weaving unused yarn up through the just-finished seam on back of heel.
Turn bootie right side out. Make a pom pom to tie on each bootie.
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