I am delighted to be part of the Golden Rippy Delilah Top for Ladies Pattern Blog Tour! Rachel has designed a versatile, easy-to-make top pattern with your choice of built-in half or short sleeves. Embellish your top with a bow, flowers or leave it plain. You can go from casual to dressy with this one pattern by switching up fabrics and embellishments.
I spend most of my time designing and sewing for my grandkids and my dogs, but I don’t often design for adults or sew for myself, so when this opportunity came along, I jumped at the chance to do a little self-care sewing along with a pattern review.
My style is pretty casual, so I went with a simple, green, half-sleeve top (no embellishments). I also grabbed some colorful fabric from the bargain bin to sew up a quick scarf as a lovely accessory to my tee.
I did a quick read-through of the pattern, which I found to be very thorough and easy to follow. The pattern pieces printed out and assembled perfectly! I love that Rachel has the cutting chart for the bands on the pattern piece. I do this on all my patterns {that have cutting charts} because I think it is so convenient. Obviously the saying “Great minds think alike” applies here!
The cutting and sewing didn’t take long. I think I had about an hour total in the whole thing. I love the end result, the fit was great and this is just such a comfortable top! It’s pretty hot here now, but I did the longer sleeve so I can wear this top through the fall.
Don’t you think it would look fabulous with some leggings and boots? I’ll have to post pics of that later on the Stitchwerx Facebook Page as it is just too darn hot here right now to do a photoshoot of that!
Now For the Good Stuff-The Giveaway!
(Yes, there is a Giveaway and here are the deets:)
Prize Package & Rules
Two winners will each win:
* 2 Patterns of your choice from Golden Rippy
The Contest Rules:
You must be 18 to enter.
You can gain entries by entering the Rafflecopter Prompts.
Giveaway ends: 8/6/14 at midnight PST.
Two winners will be chosen and announced on 8/7/14.
To purchase your very own Delilah Ladies Top pattern, stop by the Golden Rippy Shop. Rachel also has a delightful blog, which you can find at Golden Rippy Blog. Facebook users can follow her at the Golden Rippy Facebook Fan Page.
Blog Tour
Don’t miss all the stops of the Delilah Ladies Top Pattern Tour!
Monday- July 28
A Vision To Remember
Fabulous Home Sewn
Amanda Rose
Tuesday- July 29
Friends Stitched Together
Cozy Cape Cottage
Gracious Threads
Wednesday- July 30
GYCT Designs
The Sewing Geek
Sprouting JubeJube
Thursday- July 31
My Taylor Made
Mimi’s Mom
Rebel & Malice
Friday- Aug 1
Stitchwerx Designs
E-beth Designs
Saturday- Aug 2
Growing Family 1
Marmalade Forest
Ali Cat & Co
Sunday- Aug 3
Made by Sara
From a Box
Crooked Whimsy
Monday- Aug 4
Daisy Chain Creations
Knot Sew Normal
Lulu & Celeste
Tuesday- Aug 5
Mae & K
The Crazy Tailor
Blogs Like A Mother
Wednesday- Aug 6
Bebe Lambs
Lady and the Gents
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