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Tag Archives: fusible web applique technique
How To Applique with Fusible Web

What is Applique With Fusible Web? Appliques are shapes cut out from fabric which are then stitched to a base fabric. The fusible web technique is one that I love and use quite frequently. There are many brands of fusible web such as Stitch Witchery and my personal favorite, HeatnBond. The way it works is pretty simple. The … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
Posted in Applique Tutorials, Sewing, Tutorials
Tagged applique, applique fusible web, blanket stitch, fusible applique, fusible web, fusible web applique, fusible web applique technique, hand embroidery, Heat N Bond, HeatnBond, how to applique, satin stitch, sewing, sewing appliques, Stitch Witchery
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