Although I love to do various needlecrafts, I am by no means an expert when it comes to hand embroidery. I do like to incorporate it into many of the crafts I make, so I have mastered a few basic stitches such as the blanket stitch, the running stitch and the satin stitch.
In my never ending quest for needlecraft knowledge, I scoured the web for some of the best resources related to hand embroidery. After reading several tutorials, I feel brave enough to branch out and expand my hand embroidery stitch repertoire!
If you have the desire to learn more about hand embroidery, here is a list of great sites and tutorials to move you in the right direction. Have fun learning something new!
Future Girl is the Craft blog by Alice Merlino. Very nice indeed. Here are some of her tutorials.
Stitch School is a wonderful blog by Janet, a freelance graphic designer, blogger and crafter. Love this site! (Did I mention I love this site?) These are just a few of her hand embroidery tutorials.
Lenna Green’s Stitching Cow site features craft patterns, tutorials and more. Fabulous site!
Kathy Mack, sewing pattern designer and online fabric shopkeeper shares her knowledge through various tutorials on her site.
Find out how to do just about anything at eHow!
Sarah has one of the most informative and comprehensive set of hand embroidery tutorials I have found on the web. I found this site absolutely fascinating and extremely informative. These are a few tutorials (just barely scratching the surface of what she has, really.)
- Closed Blanket Stitch Tutorial
- Chain Stitch Tutorial
- Herringbone Stitch Tutorial
- Stitch Dictionary
- Stitch Picture Dictionary (my favorite!)
- Embroidery & Stitch Origins
If have a favorite embroidery tutorial site you’d like to share, please let us know! Happy Stitching!
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