Changing Yarn Colors or Joining New Yarn In Crochet


There is more than one method for changing yarn colors in crochet. Which method is right? The answer is all of them! Depending on where you are changing yarn color and the nature of your crochet project, one method may be more suitable than another.

One thing that will make your life easier when changing yarn colors, is to leave a long tail when finishing off a color. I keep a tail at least 5-6″ and use a tapestry needle to weave the tails into the back side of my work. I don’t knot my yarn either, as I feel this can create an unnatural bump in my project.

Basic Method for Changing Yarn Color

This basic method is one I use most frequently when changing yarn color. I begin to make my stitch in the first color and work the stitch until the last step. I complete the stitch with the new color, leaving a long tail (5-6″) of the first color to weave into the back of my project later.

Changing Yarn Colors at the End of a Row Using the Basic Method

Basic Method AInsert the hook into the stitch, yo and pull through (at this point you are still using the first color).

Change Yarn Color Basic Method Step TwoPick up the new color and yo with that.

Change Yarn Color Basic Method Step ThreePull through remaining two loops to finish the stitch. You can tighten this up by gently pulling on the two threads, but don’t make it too tight so that the stitch is smaller than the other ones in your row.

Changing Yarn Colors in the Middle of the Row Using the Basic Method

You can use the Basic Method to change yarn colors in the middle of a row too, but you need to add a step to get your new yarn color anchored.

Join Yarn in Middle of a Row step oneJoin Yarn in Middle of a Row Step twoA few inches before you need to change yarn color, lay the new color yarn across your work and crochet over it across the row. This anchors the new yarn into your piece.

Join Yarn in Middle of a Row Step threeJoin Yarn in Middle of a Row Step fourWhen you get to the stitch where you need to make your color change, start your stitch with the old color (using the BASIC METHOD described above) and finish using the new color.

Join Yarn in Middle of a Row Step fiveContinue crocheting with your new color. Cut off the old color leaving a 5-6″ tail to weave into back of project. Note: you can bring up this yarn tail when you are crocheting the next row and crochet it into the back of your work which both hides and anchors it at the same time.


For certain projects, I like to carry my yarn up the side of my work when changing colors instead of cutting it off. I usually do this when I am changing back and forth between two colors, and planning to either join my pieces together or add an edging (so the edges won’t be showing on my finished project).

Carry Yarn up SideI join my new yarn color using the Basic Method of starting the stitch in the old color and finishing with the new, but I don’t cut off the yarn of the first color. I drop it and let it lay on the back of my work. I pick it back up for the next color change.

Carry Yarn Up Side ExampleThe yarn is carried loosely up the side of my work.


If you are joining a new color, but NOT starting from another stitch (such as when adding an edging), there is a simple way to do this.

Join Yarn SCI insert my hook, lay new yarn over the hook and draw it through the stitch.

Join Yarn SC step twoJoin Yarn SC step threeIf I am working in sc, I chain one stitch to secure and work my sc in the same stitch.

Join hdc-chain twoJoin hdc step twoIf I am working in hdc, I wll chain 2 sts and work my hdc in the next stitch.

Here are some other site links about joining yarn you may find helpful:

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2 Responses to Changing Yarn Colors or Joining New Yarn In Crochet

  1. Pingback: Jasper Narrow Decorative Loop Crochet Collar | Stitchwerx Designs | Needlecraft Tips, Tricks & Patterns | Crochet, Sewing & More!

  2. Pingback: Joining Yarn When Crocheting - Millville Stitchers

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